GeoFeedia Live Examines The ‘What’ And ‘Where’ Of Social Posts

By Screen Shot 2015-10-14 at 9.37.15 PMLocation-based social monitoring specialist GeoFeedia has launched GeoFeedia Live, expanding the data and insights of its existing platform to better help brands search and analyze real-time social media content by location.GeoFeedia Live aggregates data around location tags as opposed to hashtags and keywords, which are the province of most social media monitoring companies. The idea is that real-time location provides a contextual backdrop that helps reveal a posters mindset and interests — making them more effectively targetable.“People are sharing more data on social media than ever before,” said R.J. Taylor, VP, product management at GeoFeedia. “Now, consumers can aggregate that data [by location] and use it to understand what’s going on — what’s popular, what’s trending — literally anywhere in the world.”GeoMarketing: How does GeoFeedia Live enable marketers to mine social posts for relevant data?R.J. Taylor: We’re using social media data and location data to understand things that are trending, things that are hot, in locations all across the world.We made it really easy with GeoFeedia Live for users to see a map of the world and then to zoom into a location — or all the locations that you care about — and then in one click to quickly see things that are trending. And then with another click, marketers can explore all of the data that really underlies that trend. It lets them dig into who’s talking about it, who are the influencers, etc.We work with all kinds of entities, but marketers care about this because the trend to real-time marketing is critical and is now. Creating and launching a campaign that was planned three or six months ago really doesn’t work anymore; marketers need to act on real-time data to take advantage of trends in order to increase views and drive interest. With GeoFeedia Live, they can figure out “What should my social post be right now? This trend is increasing so maybe I’ll change my Instagram posts or my social media posts based on that.”If they don’t have any way to tune into all that social media data then they probably don’t know how to take advantage of those trends. That’s really where GeoFeedia Live helps them with real-time campaign planning and adjustment and also getting ideas for future campaigns.How does understanding this social data and tailoring campaigns accordingly help retailers to drive the in-store visit?Using GeoFeedia Live, you can discover where your audiences are. You might not know that there are multiple areas across the world that are interested in your products unless you start looking. Effectively, you can discover your audience. You discover your audience and then you can plan all of your marketing campaigns around where your audiences are. There are a lot of assumptions that are made in marketing about who and what and where targeted customers are, and GeoFeedia Live really allows you to either validate or dispel those assumptions.That could be at a granular level, like a neighborhood or a specific suburb, or it could be an aggregate, like a whole city or a state. You might find that a particular trend or topic is bubbling up in a country or an area that you had no idea. If you’re looking to drive in-store traffic, there might be audiences out there that you didn’t even know existed who are interested in your product that you can discover with GeoFeedia Live.Can you share any results from brands who have tested GeoFeedia Live thus far?Not just yet, though I can say that we have a sportswear brand that is testing it right now to discover audiences, to validate previous assumptions about its consumer base, and to test audiences generated from GeoFeedia Live. Both of those are in flight and pretty exciting, so we’ll just be sharing results as they happen.