STRATEGIC APPROACH TO Your communication Needs

Partners Liz Bazini and Karen Hopp formed Bazini Hopp in 2009, shortly after financial crisis. Despite warnings that it was arguably the worst time to start a new business, they were able to not only hit the ground running but actually thrive because of their reputations and client relationships. They offered value and expertise at a fraction of the cost of other agencies, and years later, they continue to offer highly-regarded, customer-centric services.

Working with startups, growth-stage companies and established brands, the team plans and executes PR programs to reach stakeholders whether they are customers, partners, investors and/or employees.

Bazini Hopp clients have run the gamut from consumer electronics to back-end infrastructure. And while the firm is techie at its core, the team’s personal passions have led to projects in different verticals. This and the ever-changing digital landscape have evolved their practice areas over the years, but ultimately the process remains the same -- Liz and Karen thrive on collaborating with clients and conduct business based on core values to generate measurable results.




Strive to provide the best service to clients by being nimble and highly responsive.




Work as an extension of clients’’ teams, always keeping their best interests and goals top of mind.




Launched in 2009 and built on repeat business and referrals.