Tablet Shipments To Quadruple In 2011

By Dianna DilworthShipments of tablet devices will more than quadruple in 2011, according to a new study from publishing software company Sideways.In a white paper released this week called, “Evolving Beyond Print: Taking Advantage of the New Tablet Communication Channel,” Sideways looked at tablet adoption trends among consumers. The study found that tablet users tend to be young, highly educated, high-income earners and that the majority of tablet owners spend 2-5 hours per day on the device.Eliza Wing, president and co-founder of Sideways had this statement: “It’s now clear that tablet use is only going to escalate and the device is in fact an essential communications channel. Publishers and marketers can successfully engage their audiences with it while gaining valuable intelligence on them. Tablet app strategies should be integral components of any marketing program.”